The other day we did tonal paintings. We were supposed to paint three on a page, but I appear unable to paint small, so I just went it and had to do it on two pieces of paper.
What was interesting is that we were only allowed to use black, white and a grey midtone that we created. We then decided what to put where by squinting.
These were done with a paintbrush. It was quite fun just picking out areas, but I think the one on the right works better because I have used more of a range of types of brushstroke, like using a brush with very little paint on it and blending the slightest amount. For the more graphic one on the left to have worked better, I would have had to have used cleaner lines.
What may also have helped the composition was if the two images were not on top of each other.
This final one was done through finger painting (yay!). I slapped a ton of white paint on the back ground then worked black in with my fingers, blending quite a lot.
Personally I think this one worked the best. It is most defiantly the most free painting and the range of tones and types of marks make it dynamic. It also takes up a whole A1 sheet rather than squeezing onto the corner, which I think always looks better.
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