Saturday, 19 October 2013

Making big sculptures

With a bit of time today and a lack of concrete directions, the group was left to put our sculptures together to create a monster. Here is somewhat how it turned out:

As you may be able to tell, the mass of hideous green canvas was a monster, therefore due to spacing impossible to capture all at once. This should give you a hint of what it looked like.
Although not my idea of beautiful, it was great fun to wander around in as it covered a good third of the room. Compositionally it was a bit ad hoc and most of it was taped/ knotted onto the ceiling/ floor.
This was inconvenient when we had to photograph and draw our objects connecting in the wild.

I hope they enjoyed themselves in the wild.
I did it in a pair, we were trying connecting the objects to natural, metal and soft surfaces. As the project is about connections, I guess you could say we were experimenting with the perfect connection of different surfaces. Really we were jus going with the flow.
My favourite is the one on the orange mesh. I think the colours look good against each other and the connection actually relies on each object being where it is rather than just being three objects just about interacting. The photos my best too.
Now we were in a role, I jest had to take a few photos of some tubes hanging around.

And then of course the photography tutor wandered along and mentioned Andy Goldsworthy and how we could make non-permanent little sculptures out of what was around us:
So there you go. That was my day.

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