As the exploratory stage of my course draws to a close, I
have to write a review of how I found the course.
Each stage varied greatly, but the umbrella name of the
project was relationships. The main aim of each segment was to explore the
different ways of working and decide what we fancied carrying on. As I had few
expectations, I hardly had aims apart from have fun and use as many materials
as humanly possible. I think I managed that, as I spent a lot of time
experimenting for experiments sake and had loads of fun.
I am going to tackle this bit by bit. Okay.
To start with, let’s mention Graphics, Illustration and
Textiles. This involved a lot of drawing blind and drawing with odd things. At
first I loved the actual drawing blind/ left handed etc. but hated the outcome.
I am now quite fond of the stuff I create. I am not sure if this is me opening
my mind or my expectations reducing. I really enjoyed pattern making and
looking through a viewfinder, that sort of stuff. I also liked making images
that showed a word. However I don’t really think I am witty enough for that
kind of thing, my attempts were not very effective. When finding out all the
paths you could take with it (many, many more than I knew of on the 5th
of September) I was intrigued and particularly interested in animation. I am
not sure if that is fair to say as I already was very interested in animation. Despite
enjoying the section of the course, I feel it wasn’t my natural habitat.
What I did feel a certain belonging in was the fine art
section. I admit that, although taking the best pictures ever, I was not overly
taken with photography, liking it best as a way to mess around with fabric, and
preferring the human sculptures made to the actual photographs. I did really
enjoy fine art though; I liked how you could drive it to be idea based. I also enjoyed just creating an image of a sculpture
in an odd way and even if you didn’t like the result to keep going. I found it
hard to let go of the fact at first that if something didn’t work it was not
the be all and end all, and to accept that I could just stick something over it
and work into it until low and behold, it was my favourite piece created. I
felt very inspired by the volume of artists shown, for example Louise
Bourgeois. I feel I will belong well in this area.
Finally we studied 3D design. This included fashion. This was fun and involved volumes and volumes
of green fabric. Not a very nice green but very sturdy. I liked creating
objects and experimenting with form, but I have to admit, I wasn’t fond of
creating shapes for the sake of it. The team work aspect was good, but still, I
preferred it when I was creating a garment like my many many hats. My favourite
bit was when I created hats thinking about the freedom of the press. I felt it
had a point. My favourite artists in this area seemed to be fashion artists who
were making a point. I may just have something against creating pretty things
for the sake of it.
In all aspects what I have found difficult is working
properly on the independent study days, as Facebook/ cooking / looking after
the family seem to take up more time when all three are close by. I can lock
myself in my room though so it’s all good.
So there is the long of it. I feel I gained a lot of skills.
To round this up, I would have liked to create an overall piece relating to relationships,
and I have a feeling we will be doing something in that vein in the coming
weeks. At this moment in time I will be taking fine art, this idea may change
after hearing speakers next week.
Sorry for the excess of writing.