Today we cut out viewfinders and battled to hold them up, look through them and collage at the same time. It was actually fun (promise)!
Anyway the monster my group had to draw was that blue monstrosity. Its not too bad in its self but to collage it was a nightmare because it is already such a ragtag monster.
Apologies to those caught in the cross fire with the photographs. Was not intended. If it means anything to you, you all look gorgeous anyway.
Doctor Who monster aside, I looked through my viewfinder to get, what it amounts to, a few thumbnails and chose a snapshot to attempt to draw:
At the time of looking I thought "ooh what a good idea, it looks like a scene with different characters, depths and interesting relationships ". In retrospect it is too complicated. Any who I reproduced it.
If you're anything like me you may have thought that the angles are as dodgy as hell , so I had to review it and drastically edit some angles.
I seem to have managed to give the creature odd nipples, but outwith this fault, I'm chuffed to bits that the angles managed to make sense of themselves.
To some this up, I would say that this style is really fun, and made me feel as free as a 3 year old with a shedload of pretty paper. However I must stress the importance of a accurate opening sketch or it gets confusing, complicated and scary. But hey, that's education for you.
P.s If you happen to feel the need to draw the monster, resist. It truly is a monster. I will post again to tell you how it turns out when more worked on.
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