Thursday, 27 February 2014

Proper Photos

Hullo, I got up this morning to go to college and take some proper photos of my head dresses. Considering the fact I may have time to squeeze in making another one, maybe I should have waited. I will carry on regardless though as I might as well.
I will use this post to somewhat review my various creations. 

This one photographed rather well. It looks perhaps better than it does in real life. The eye hole can only be described as gapeing.
I really enjoy the folds of this one. I think it worked well, even if it is not ornate in the slightest.

This one is the opposite way around. My photos do not flatter it. It looks quite prim and neat, though the head was based in during one of the place movings to the extent it looks quite crumpled on top.
It looks quite ghostly with nothing in it.

This one I had fun photographing empty and full. This is empty.

This is full. I think it also is a bit ghostly. Its probably the scrim. I like the fabric folds. It is interesting as you can see out of it, but it is quite hard to look in on. The lack of eye holes is a bit disconcerting and makes the piece more sculpture like.

I am a little embarrassed  by the crudeness of this offering. It looks like a bad balaclava, or a ghost mask made for a two year old on Halloween as a last minute attempt. I made little attempt to shape the fabric around the head and the fabric isn't heavy enough to hold a shape. All in all, I think I could have tried better.

You may be able to tell from the volume of pictures that this was one I had fun with. I think that it photographed well, the scrim holds a very nice shape. The eye hole looks dramatic and there is something regal about  it all. I am very happy with this effort.

This wimple-esque head dress is another I am a bit iffy about. It contrasts well with the other pieces, but is not anything special on its own. It is not very well made and overly stiff, so the fabric doesn't look interesting. I certainly don't know what is happening at the back.
So that is all of them. I certainly have my favorites, but there you go.

Wednesday, 26 February 2014


Last week was the holiday, so I wasn't as productive as I perhaps should have been. I did craet a veil with no eye holes of any type and made it solid inspired by Alexander McQueen head dresses. Here is the result.

I think it could have been longer and more sculpted, by it worked OK.
I have also been experimenting with lace. The lace guild has a rather good video on the making of needlepoint lace which is what I have been trying. My quite messy results and like so.

I need to work on neatness, and through time it takes makes this hard to factor into any schedule. 
Going has also been slow because I have been given a space, so I can put my board back up (yay!). Here is how it looks.

But I have an idea of making eyes to go over  head dress space. I have a couple more lace pieaces stashed at college that I must present you.
And that is it really. I have been thinking about my final outcome which is due in on Tuesday. I think it will just be presented my head gear as a series. I am going in to take proper photos of them on Thursday.
Thats all for now.

Sunday, 16 February 2014

Heads and flooding

I want to start out by saying thatthe studio I am in has accidentally acquired a pond that takes up half the floor. Therefore we are in a computer room which means everything is a lot less painty and messy.
Anyway, to start with a PVA and white acrylic mix painted straight onto Hessian on a head model made a really good 3d head dress.

I managed to take it off the head before we were evacuated, and I have to say I am pleased with the results.
I only wish the eyegap was more rectangular.
Inspired by Princess Hijab, I created these images 

I think the most see through ones work the best.
I have also been experimenting with fancy stitch in eye holes. This is a sample.

I think it is pretty, but the far right stitch is the only relevant one.
I have also tried 2 different embroidery samples. I tried it on scrimmage, and I can honestly say it is one of the hardest things to sew, as even in an embroidery hoop, threads still pull.

I don't like the Brown thread, it looks like sick. The white string is too obvious, but the thread is lovely as it looks like the scrimmage forms the words accidentally.
Only thing is,I just don't know what to write. I am vaguely writing words to do with identity, but I need to brainstorm what I could embroider that would be relevant.
Anyway thats all.

Monday, 10 February 2014

More headgear

So today I started out making a headdress out of Hessian. 

I think this worked miserably well, tHough the edges were hard to sew. I think painting it may work well. The white thread I used may stand out a bit though. I also need to consider what to put in the eye bit.
Next I created this rather odd ruffle veil.

It has layers, so you can choose how opaque your identity is. It also looks a bit silly. I was inspired by this leaflet.

So its something to think about.
As well as working in my sketchbook, I turned out some plaster I has in a sling thing.

This rather nice bowl is still a little damp, though the pattern left on the fabric is pretty. I may want to do more inspired by it. Could I wear it as a hat?
Anyway Thats everything I think is Worth mentioning about today.

Saturday, 8 February 2014

More head dresses

Hi, I am sorry I have't really kept up with blogging this week, there has been a bit of a kerfuffle as the floor has turned into a mini lake in the corner and half the classes bored have been taken away, min included, hence no space. This means a large proportion of my work is currently residing in the cubord therefor it is unreachable at this moment in time.
Anyway, now that apology is out of the way, this is what I have done.
I dunked a head dress in plaster to see what happened, and a pleased with the results.

Its try ghostly, which makes it feel more transparent, do on theme. I also tried dunking other scraps of fabric.

I like the results, I am thinking about how to use it.
I also tried making head dressed out of carrier bags. I need to work on shape, but I like the woven effect. 

Having Tesco bags may give through impression I am trying to talk about an issue to do with those supermarkets, so I may use clear bags if I can gt hold of them.
I also tried tissue paper.

It may look nicer with writing on? I may try that, though I had great trouble encouraging the head dress to hold a normal shape. The attempt at a grill is nothing short of knightish and I think was a gross miscalculation on my part. It looks weird.
Finally I tried this odd plastic fabric.

The string weave works well,but once again, shape issues and I should have turned up the top front eyes hole bit to avoid fraying.
That is what I have done.