Friday, 7 March 2014

Confirmatory Project

During the exploratory stage I found 3D and Fine Art particularly interesting, the former as I got to physically make objects with a concept in mind in a fairly free environment, and the latter for its conceptually driven tasks mixed with learning about drawing and skills associated.  I therefore chose to study Fine Art 3D.
 I found the first project, Document, a struggle. Most of my work in the past has been concept driven, and this was the first time form took priority. I enjoyed exploring the form of leaves, but I missed the more conceptual side and found the project harder to get immersed in. The second project, Transparent, was a lot easier to get very involved in as I started with more focus. I explored identity and history, though experimenting with the creation of see through veils.
This has lead me to believe that a concept driven Confirmatory study would suit me best. History and news stories inspire me, especially people who have committed acts which are difficult to understand such as Hitler or Stalin. I decided that what interests me the most is other people; primarily why did they react to situations as they do?
Therefore I propose a study titled Motivations. In will look at people and events that are difficult to understand, examining actions, history and context and draw up timelines and theories.
I will start with historical research. I would like to look at a local person or event to make primary research and drawing easier. A selection of people I could look at are Mr and Mrs Pochin, Peter Sutcliffe , Charles Peace, The Fowler brothers, or most recently David Rooke, all who would be interesting to examine. With events or institutions I could look at Workhouses, and the harrying of the north. I would also be interested in the history of the death penalty, touching on the fascinating story of Spencer Broughton and the execution of the Fowler brothers. I would focus on drawing people, looking into theories of physiological characteristics revealing criminal tendencies, popular in Victorian times.
I would primarily be using internet and library research. I may need to see about visiting university libraries and the Sheffield archives to get further information. I would also visit museums and locations of possible relevance such as the emergency museum. I also plan to use my journal to record information I find out about the people and events that relate to my project.

As for an outcome, I would plan to create some sort of object or instillation as a document of what I have discovered, exploring the motivations and reasons behind what I decide to research, alongside a documentation of my research.

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